Watch the video to learn how Trellis is changing research


Trellis is a suite of software tools for developing, administering, and collecting survey and social network data. What separates Trellis from other survey tools is its support for mapping social networks and its ability to integrate them with survey data.

You can use Trellis to conduct a photographic census of the respondent population in sociocentric study designs. Then it's possible to document the edges of the network by asking customized "name generator" questions such as "With whom do you discuss important matters?"

An especially valuable feature of Trellis is that the respondents can identify their social contacts not only by name, but by photograph. This allows for accurate mapping of social networks even in low-literacy populations or where names may be similar or confusing.

Social network targeting to maximise population behaviour change: a cluster randomised controlled trial, The Lancet, Published online May 5, 2015 D.A. Kim, A.R. Hwong, D. Stafford, D.A. Hughes, A.J. O’Malley, J.H. Fowler, and N.A. Christakis.

Exploiting social influence to magnify population-level behaviour change in maternal and child health: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of network targeting algorithms in rural Honduras. BMJ open. 2017 Mar 1;7(3):e012996  Shakya HB, Stafford D, Hughes DA, Keegan T, Negron R, Broome J, McKnight M, Nicoll L, Nelson J, Iriarte E, Ordonez M, Airoldi E, Fowler JH, Christakis NA

Intimate partner violence norms cluster within households: an observational social network study in rural Honduras. BMC public health. 2016 Mar 8;16(1):233  Shakya HB, Hughes DA, Stafford D, Christakis NA, Fowler JH, Silverman JG.

Trellis is open source software, to download the source code or contribute to the project, find us on GitHub at

We are currently working on a public release including adding the app to the Play Store, and creating a demo server to make it easy get started.

To be notified when the public release is done, please sign up for our mailing list:

Support for the development of Trellis was provided by the Roybal Center for the Study of Networks and Well-Being (NIH grant P30-AG034420)